Scorpions are common residential pests. These arachnids are usually found in the southern United States, with the most extensive varieties residing in desert regions. During the…
How To Use Diatomaceous Earth For Scorpions
“Is diatomaceous earth effective against various species of scorpions?” “Where can I get this?” These are questions that we get almost every single day. Let’s break…
How To Find A Scorpion Nest
Arizona is home to several scorpion species, from the common Arizona stripe tail scorpion to the lethal Arizona bark scorpion. Although these animals are typically found…
How To Find A Scorpion In Your House
Scorpions and people frequently find themselves caught in the same environments. It just so happens that many smaller environments within the large home setting are the…
What Does A Scorpion Look Like
Are you prepared to encounter a super-cool creature with an intense sting? Check out what a scorpion looks like and its intriguing stats! Quick Scorpion Facts…
How To Identify A Bark Scorpion
Know how to identify Bark Scorpions! There are over 30 distinct species of scorpions in the Phoenix AZ Valley. The most venomous scorpion is the Bark Scorpion.…
How To Kill Scorpions
Scorpions, they’re survivors. They will live for as long as 15 years. They can survive without food for up to a year and thrive in many…
When is Scorpion Season in Arizona?
Scorpions in Arizona are aggressive animals. No doubt you’ve seen one of them moving around your house. You might even have seen one creeping on the…
What Kind Of Scorpions Are In Arizona
In Arizona, many individuals assume that any desert scorpion they encounter is an Arizona bark scorpion. That isn’t the case. Arizona is the home to a…
How To Treat For Scorpions
It is common knowledge that there are a few effective ways on how to treat poisonous Scorpions. However, before we go on to discuss this subject further,…